Ravi’s @ 3 Two Square, PJ

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Ravi’s at 3 TWO Square!

The best thing about this place is the Ikan Bulus… flaky and tastes as fresh as if you caught it yourself from the sea.

Also the the Yogurt.. Add it to your rice or just drink it straight out of little sterile plastic containers, it’s entirely up to you.

Eat the rice with your hands or with cutlery, nobody gives a hoot.. but make sure you DROWN your nasi in Rasam..

The mutton I like…


But not as much as the bill!
(affordable, clean and fast service)
New Folder3-1
Drink it.. yea baby, drink it 😛

3 TWO Square,
Section 19,
Petaling Jaya,


  • 550ml jar of faith says:

    Fresh Ikan Bulus, unlimited side of yogurt… officially lunchtime! WHY OH WHY did I decide to go vegetarian today?!

  • "Joe" who is constantly craving says:

    aiyoyo…2 fellows eat 40 over bucks of banana leaf ar?..

    i thank watever is up there, i can eat a banana leaf meal under 10rm in brickfields..

  • Selba says:

    Ikan bulus? Isn't it the kind of fish that only eat "dirt" from human or animal?

    We called it ikan Lele, very soft and smooth flesh 🙂

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    give it up girl! u know ur fighting a losing battle! hoho :p kidding

    eh, cheaper than raju's or kanna's ok?! and some might say the fresh fish is better here:P (some of the dry meat curries so-so.. but the fresh fried stuff is excellent)

  • Life for Beginners says:

    Yeah, baby, I sure am drinking it up… 😉

  • thule a.k.a leo says:

    3 2 Square… been there twice
    1) Starbuck
    2) Grand opening of Flaunt boutique which my friend owned 🙂
    But not Ravi's…

  • Sugar Bean says:

    O.o This looks a little unusual to me. Do yoghurt goes with Indian food? Sorry, maybe I didn't know enough about Indian cuisine.

  • Lyrical Lemongrass says:

    Wah, 5 drinks and 4 rasams for 2 ppl. You flers drink a lot hor. (How's da toilet?)

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    drink it.. yea drink it.. 😛 hhehe

    flaunt eh? where izzat .. me go look next time. izit chick's clothing?

    Sugar Bean :
    the CURD! yea, it's common.. and it's divine! sour not sweet.. eating it with the rice is heaven on earth. Rasam too ranks way up there:P

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    yes, that answers JOE,s question obviously the bill is higher than his alone because I dont think he could possible consume dat much la (even divided by two)

    toilets like HEAVEN. got crazy 'black marble' funky long wash basin. tres chi chi 😛

  • qwazymonkey says:

    Yogurt, rasam and toilets? Is that why you're on MC today and you can't walk?

  • J2Kfm says:

    pricey lah … so thick yoghurt also can be drank?!

    aiks. thats something new. what's bulus in English btw?

  • hApPy HaPpY says:

    where exactly is this place, any landmarks??? Thanking you in advance.

  • Bangsar-bAbE says:

    A bit exp hor? But then again…the place looks quite clean and got shade… =)

    I'm like you…I always banjir my nasi with rasam…heh!

  • Nic (KHKL) says:

    and i thought bulus is the plural form of bulu. 😛

    ohhh, resam soaked rice. u tokking my language, babe! 😀

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    no, u know the reason i cnt walk:P

    if one puts one's mind to it, anything liquid can be drunk:P

    near the perodua service ctr in PJ


    let's go:D

  • thenomadGourmand says:

    how did i miss this post?? woman! ur posting faster than i can read! 😉
    come come we go kavitha's?

  • Rashid Hamid says:

    damn good food! the fried ikan and mutton are so good and much better than other restaurants – i was scared to go pay because some people posted the food was expensive but i tot quite reasonable. also place is so clean that u dont feel like normal banana leaf and toilet so fancy and nice.

  • Siew Min says:

    wah after trying this place no way can eat other banana leaf place. quality of food very good and the restaurant so clean after this no way can go brickfields. ate the masala claypot prawn which i havent seen any other restaurant have and the taste is so good. tomorrow taking my boyfren to go back and eat the prawns plus make him pay my bill! the owners so nice also and will really take care of you and make sure you are happy

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