Two Monkeys @ Jaya 1, PJ

Two Monkeys at Jaya 1. And I don’t mean Cumi&Ciki either.
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If the beer at Brussels is over priced and watered down,
The Guinness at Two monkeys is way better.
We didn’t have much time.. (rush rush rush), so we only tried the Chillied Chicken on skewers. Hunky, succulent breast meat chicken, with spice. Not bad at all. Unfortunately, the price reflects the surrounding area – hip, happening, hole in the pocket:P

Apparently there’s Satay Babi (pork Satay) here too.
Next time, lil monkey, next time!

Two Monkeys Satay Bar and Cafe,
L-12A-G, Block L,
Palm Square
Jaya One
012 2092812


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