Coca-Cola Contest – Limited Edition Chinese New Year Cans giveaway!

Chinese New Year is just around the corner.. and I have great news!

Here’s a cool contest which will have you in the Chinese New Year spirit in no time. I have up for grabs, 8 Coca-Cola, Limited Edition Chinese New Year Cans to welcome the year of the Red Fire Monkey!


They bear the auspicious message and symbols of lasting youthfulness, peace in the family, smooth-sailing career, flourish in love, abundance in wealth, benefactors aplenty, prosperity in business and academic success, and they come in a gorgeous red box too! This is sooooooo incredibly limited, that you will not find this box and this sort of packaging, outside in the shops. But you can win it here, on my blog.


You may choose to give these to your loved ones as cool Chinese New Year gifts, or you may choose to keep them for yourselves, whatever it is, it is entirely up to you.

Leave a comment at the end of this post (no more than 30 words) – Who you will give these Coca-Cola cans to, and what’s the reason. We will pick one lucky winner with the best caption. Terms & Conditions Apply. (Deadline : Midnight 29th Jan 2016)


I want to give the Coca-Cola Sail boat can, that represents, Smooth Sailing Career (事业顺利),to my sister because she is starting her first job next week!


I want to give the Coca-Cola can that has the pair of Magpies, Flourish In Love (情场得意), to my best friend Tina, as she is getting married soon!


The Double Gold Fish Coca-Cola cans would make a great gift for my boss because it represents Water for Prosperity In Business (生意兴隆) , and we all certainly need that in 2016!


The 8 cans are, a Sail boat that represents, Smooth Sailing Career (事业顺利)a pair of Magpies that wishes your friends to Flourish In Love (情场得意), Pineapples, Coins, Ingots for blessings of Abundance In Wealth (财源滚滚), Cranes, Peach Buns, Plum Blossom for Lasting Youthfulness (青春常驻), Brush, Ink, Paper Scroll for Academic Success (学业有成), Ruyi Knot, Peach Blossoms for Benefactors Aplenty (贵人相助),  Double Gold Fish, Water for Prosperity In Business (生意兴隆), and finally the Gourd, Stone Lions for well wishes of Peace In The Family (合家平安).


And don’t forget the contest that’s still ongoing – Snap a photo of you and your Coca-Cola can, over the Chinese New Year celebrations – post to your social media channels, eg. Facebook or Instagram & there are also opportunities to win these limited edition collectors gift sets. Be sure to follow them Coca-Cola on Facebook and Instagram and use the hashtag #CokeCNYmy in all your postings.

UPDATE ON THE 30th of JAN 2016!! 

AND THE WINNER IS : Alyssa Adriana Koh bt Anis! We will get in touch via email, where to pick up the Coca-cola CNY cans! Congrats and thank you all for playing! 


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