Reach for the stars – Wong Wai Hoong.. spins his way into the Malaysian Book of Records!

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Come support our local Malaysian HERO as he reaches for the 48hr mark, to make his mark in the Malaysia Book of Records!
Wai Hoong.. you our HERO ! Go baby go!
New Folder-1

It ends tomorrow the 20th of June at 3pm!
Hurry over and cycle with him NOW.. and show your support of this fitness hero:)

*those interested in participating in this event, there are bikes behind the cyclist – you can join in anytime, for as long as you like – there is no entrance fee. Just show up at 6th Floor, Synar Gym, Sooka Sentral, KL Sentral. CU there! But hurry, his 48 hours ends tomorrow, the 20th of June at 3pm!


  • qwazymonkey says:

    Wah, you damn fast. Look lah at Ah Pa and his overachiever Thamby's message. Ours pale in comparison. We are not worthy to be even on the same page.

  • thenomadGourmand says:

    wish i can join ya tmw on the bike babes..but i got work ahh..REAL appt somemore!

  • Champion says:

    Cool man – Wai Hoong go with wings on eagles – whoooooossee!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    Munkey, TNG, Champion:

    He is so inspiring! I plan to RUN my entire race! 😛

    I will not walk! 😀

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