Pulse-pounding combination of exciting adventure racing and intense trail running, the trailblazer has also been designed to raise awareness on the importance of rainforest conservation.
The nice thing about being in Peninsular Malaysia’s largest state is, not only the lush tropical forests, cool mountain air, lakes and waterfalls nestling in the arms of mountain crevices, but also, the FOOD! Upon reaching the foot of Genting, we decided to venture a little further, to the foot of Bukit Tinggi, in search of some lunch.
This area is called Bukit Tinggi, Bentong and the streets are paved with stalls selling fresh produce and all sorts of interesting fruits.
Now this fruit we just could not resist buying.
This is the milk banana. Dark brown when unripe and it gets redder as it ripens. According to the lady, the milk banana is less sweet than its yellow counterpart. However, the milk banana is much more fragrant and is normally best eaten as cut slices, between bread! How nice. People who suffer from cramps after exercising or after strenuous activity, should add these little babies to their diet. Yellow or red, the high potassium in bananas helps prevent muscle cramping.
We love seeing holes in our greens! This means less insecticide… and we know that the less chemicals we put into our bodies, the better. Live long, live strong!
Baby ginger – the best type of ginger to pickle is the baby ginger because it is less tough than the old ginger. This is a bottle ‘in the making’ – the lady told us , 2 more days to go before it is done. She let us try some and we found it crunchy, warm and sweet with a slight sting/bite. Just nice if you ask me. I don’t like the burn you get from old ginger – too fiery and pungent. Ginger incidentally, comes from the word stringa-vera which means body like a horn (antlers! you see my point…)
Ginger is also a diaphoretic – i.e. it makes the body hot. Because of this, medieval medicine men used it to fight the plague. How clever!
The Chinese mainly ‘prescribe’ this rhizome for ‘fong’ (wind)… but looking up the encyclopedia, we also found that ginger is good as an aphrodisiac (it is mentioned in the Karma sutra as being used to ‘gain the affections of a woman’! ) Hmmm… now a days, you need to wine and dine your hot date and spend loads before they warm up to you… Next time, try the cheaper alternative of feeding her ginger instead:P
So, you don’t need me to tell you EAT your GINGER, right, it’s good for you!
Gingerly handling the baby ginger.
A ginger plant. Not for eating but for deco.
The Roselle (a species of hibiscus). This pretty red flower has many medicinal properties including some antihypertensive activity.
Wow, the village really got us distracted. 2.30pm! We need to eat.
Restoran Makanan Laut Loong Sing! Famous for its fish and chinese-style cooking. 2.30pm and still crowded with patrons. Maybe people eat late here in Bukit Tinggi, huh?
Upon arrival, we are given dragon fruit enzyme to prime us for lunch. (Kidding – we were given samples to encourage us to buy, more like..). This tasted like a sweetened version of Toddy to me.. but apparently there is no alcohol in this drink (what a waste of time.. haha.. kidding).
Looking around the shop.. every table was eating either ,
3.00pm and we are done eating. Now the arduous task of driving home to KL on a full stomach… Maybe we’ll take a 5 min nap in the car before we head on home.. 😉
haha, and i was half expecting a post on Kellogg’s Rice Crispies or something.
interesting way of serving those bacons. salty?
oh and I”m a GOOD boy! I drink my ginger milk with relish.
The ginger plant looks pretty leh…
Hmm, y do u always seem to be able to find yummy looking food? Hungry de…
oooh, amazing…where IS this place? is it after colmar? there’s a little hamlet in the hills, if u drive towards bentong, on your right, which was the old road to kuantan…wonder if there’s anything there. those bananas look awesome. can make goreng pisang ah? how many km was the run?
Can I join you next time? I mean for food, not the race..hehe.
OMG. the bacon dish. *salivating*
ginger milk.. wow! I haven’t tired that before.. is it like teh halia minus the teh? lol
being curious creatures, we find food almost anywhere:D
not colmar, but selesa homes. When you see the sign for selesa homes, turn in, then immediate right. Follow that road into the village and you will find Loong Sing.
colmar is still there but a little dilapidated ..
regarding the banana, you can make goreng pisang but ppl prefer to use the sweeter ones. This milk banana while fragrant, is not as sweet.. so.. good also la- less sweet goreng pisang!
you can join us for BOTH! lol
nice huh? lol
haha i go to gohtong jaya just for the bacon dish..but after i spent like 400rm on my brake pads..i think i got to think twice..
interesting information on the ginger!
so, next time, instead of saying horny, we can say stringa-very? hmmm…
“Oh, I’m a kinda stringa-very. It must be the sup kambing”…LOL!!!!
Haha I want to join too. You run I cheer then we eat. =)
My mom used to boil that roselle buds with rock sugar. Taste like ribena.
400 on break pads – so ex kah?
ya well, if ginger is an aphrodisiac, and it is also called stringa-vera (which is the ‘horn’) – means ginger is DOUBLY horny huh? haha
I like the way u didnt like the noodles becos "not enuf lard"!!! We're such piggy fans, OMG! Nice interesting pics of the flora & fauna u found in the village! Hmmm… wonder if tat fried bacon is worth a trip all the way there…
wow this place is a hidden jewel within the forest!
same color as ribena – taste like ribena!
piggy fan indeed!
That’s my fav place to stopby if travelling on Karak Hgwy. The vege there is truly fresh and delicious. Tried all the restaurants. The 1st restaurant at the left left heading to the police station serves the best food, I feel. The river tilapia i had was only RM13. 🙂
Not dinner tonite, really feel hungry after c the Hokkien mee >.<
Dun eat so much ah !
otherwise you will soon be too heavy to run away from us you know !
B careful ah
i can still run la.. haha
enjoyed your off the beaten road pics, u dun get to see this everyday, the roselle drink is exactly like ribena. Like that unique tower of ginger flower or stem…very nice…
gosh even the fish is crackling good.
i really need to drink this ribena drink!
Caramelized bacon! Now, where’s the beer…?
wow, milk banana, that’s a first for me. The food is cheap, omg. Bacon for RM10, drooooooooools
Milk bananas? The size of those fellas, I thought they were hangin’ sweet potatos! 😛
Ah, you do go where no intrepid gourmand has gone before in your food trekkies… 😉
we had beer! gr8 minds think alike .. lol
very reasonable!
sweet potatos.. lol.. yar, huge!
Ur fish is too cute to be eaten ^.^
really? lol