Rumours @ Desa Sri Hartamas, KL – Octoberfestavalidetox

Octoberfestavali celebrations have gotten me eating and drinking and drinking and eating and drinking..
Don’t get me wrong.. I love the occasional piss-up session as well as regular binges.. but in the light of day, those size 4 jeans still need getting into so, back to gym and all that jazz.. haha…
As part of the detox process, I have resorted to having heavy breakfast and lunch, but feather light dinners.
Last night after the gym, we hit rumours for some salad.

Hmmm .. the place was strangely deserted..
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For starters the seafood soup and the aubergine soup. The Seafood soup was rubbish – weak, thin and tasteless and most shockingly, prawns and fish that tasted like refrigerator. Not impressed.

The aubergine soups was good ( I think anything you add that amount of cream to, should taste good anyway).

Caesar salad – small portion and not very interesting. The taste was average.


Avocado salmon and cheese baked oysters. Yums! This I liked. No complaints here.

That concluded dinner. To make up for a (fairly) healthy dinner, we decided to have some dessert.


Cheese cake at Backofen.


Another average cake. Come to think of it, since we were so near, we should have driven to damansara heights to a certain someone’s house for cake instead la ;P

This is the reason why I hate detox/salad night. It’s so boring.

Tomorrow, it’s Charsiew-Siewyoke Night… (it’s only fair!! :P)

Add 1:

Rumours, 24, Jalan 28/70A
Desa Sri Hartamas, KL

Add 2:

Backofen, 34, Jalan 24/70A,
Desa Sri Hartamas, KL


  • fatboybakes says:

    hahah, the prawns taste like refrigerator…i know exactly how you mean! that chicken in the caesar looks drier than an old camel’s fanny in the sahara.

    cake? did i hear cake?

  • Julian Si says:

    Oops, guess the ala carte was not as impressive as the BBQ Sunday brunches (with free flow of wine, mind you) that I have been enjoying at Rumours!

    ps – Nice jeans!

  • J2Kfm says:

    hahaha … there’s such thing as detox night? with Cheese-baked oysters and Cheesecake?
    wow. i’ll be glad to have dinners like that on most nights.

  • mimid3vils says:

    The meat slices in ur Caesar Salad im more than the veggie 😛

  • PureGlutton says:

    Oh my goodness, how often do u hv these Detox Nights? How to detox with cheesecake??

  • Christy says:

    Hehehe…detox includes dessert?:p
    Someone’s house for cake…I am guessing FBB:P

    And a wild guess at the deserted Rumours…it must be the effects of economy!

  • Tummythoz says:

    Oh it’s the Backofen sign! Sori. Was thinking why feature the Hair Wash Promo. (-_-)”

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    yes la cake… from someone’s place.. jangan buat bodoh 😛

    yes! i know! read your blogs on the place and think the buffet sounded much better than the ala-carte! That is next on my list.. the Sunday brunch:D

    i get your point – i guess reading back on the blog, i didn’t SUFFER enough to call it a detox… hahaha.. too late 😛

    that is a good thing, right..? lol

    hahahaha.. ok,ok, u guys got me there.. it wasn’t really a detox per se.. but in comparison with what i have been eating over the holidays, it’s detox la..!

    haha.. clever girl

    OH COMMON GUYS … doesn’t the SALAD count for anything??!! DETOX is salad la… muahahahaha

  • "Joe" who is constantly craving says:

    u gym nearby?? ie the purple colour gym?..

    aiyoh i have to resort to no carbs for the last two days..jittery already..thank god i still include caffeine in my diet..

    i think i m going crazy thinkin about rice n noodles soon..ARGH!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:


    i agree with you – caffeine is a MUST ! haha.. 2strong cups in the morn to kick start the day.. 😀 Are you detoxing too? lol

  • BiologicalClockTicking says:

    Gosh…. we Msian bloggers certainly know about food. 🙂

    Nice blogsite, well done!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    lol, cheers and thanks for stopping by

    hahaha… another one who thinks I don’t know how to detox.. 😛 thank u la..

  • backstreetgluttons says:

    we know for sure why it is so boring coz some electifying team is missing

  • 550ml jar of faith says:

    Loving the detox diet! Looks too easy! Those oysters look lethal – I might just incorporate those into my upcoming diet! Ha!

  • Shell (貝殼) says:

    i like the plate design with few divider in it so that it can separate few types of different food^^

  • "Joe" who is constantly craving says:

    my detox officially ended with banana leaf rice yesterday nite..ohh what bliss..

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    next time… come la and share your electricity ;P

    oyster detox! get yours today! haha

    me too

    you mean your detox only 24 hours long kah… worse than me man.. lol

  • Jason says:

    Hahaha… why detox then? :p

  • Nic (KHKL) says:

    i’m detoxing as well!!!!

    quaker oatmeal kosong for breakfast, fruits for lunch and fish meat noodle for dinner.

    ok lar, weekdays onli..hehe…

  • Precious Pea says:

    Hmm..i wonder that baker has got dessert stocked up all the time. I really would like to ransack his fridge one day. Haha!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    good question. try to detox la, trying.. but must try harder.. haha

    quaker oatmeal kosong??! TORTURE has a new FACE/NAME! lol

    haha.. let’s go:D

  • Lynette says:

    Size 4 jeans won’t even go halfway up one of my legs, what are you detox-ing for??! =)


  • Life for Beginners says:

    Aiyo, at least you got a chance to detox lah… I wish I could rid myself of the daily tedium of work and what not and drop myself into a detox centre for Those Who Need To Eat More Fruits And Green Vegetables.

    Yes, ahem.

    Oh, and sorry we didn’t get to chat much at FBB’s Oktoberfestavali Brunch but I’m sure we’ll get to do soon enough. 😀

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    lol… detox so that can whack again, asap

    agree – at the next makan session!

  • Lyrical Lemongrass says:

    I hate you and your size 4 jeans. Grrrr. 😛 I starve (not even detox, k) for 4 years oso cannot achieve that. *munching on durian puffs*

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    lol.. so cute.. “where’s my durian puff?!” haha

  • Big Boys Oven says:

    hahahaha sound like you are on healty diet….. drop by to at kota damansara too! lol!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:


  • kennhyn says:

    Oktoberfest really make grow wider….nice blog…cheers!!!

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