Edinburgh’s Hogmanay – #blogmanay

Follow Me, @Agentcikay… on my #blogmanay Trip to Edinburgh!

The Hogmanay Festival is essentially a New Year celebration with a dash of Scottish flair. This festival takes place on the 31st of December every year and is as colorful and boisterous as the street carnivals at Mardi Gras.

Edinburgh's Hogmanay - Midnight Fireworks Cityscape

While people celebrate the arrival of the new year all over the world, many of the most beloved traditions, such as the singing of Auld Lang Syne, originated in Scotland.

Hogmanay generally starts quite early in the evening, reaching its peak as expected at midnight with the ringing of bells, the singing of the old folk song “Auld Lang Syne” and plenty of good wishes, accompanied by kissing, being showered on all and sundry.

Loony Dook

Depending on where you are in Scotland, activities for this festival may vary from folk song singing, dancing, torch light processions, the swinging of fireballs and a number of other activities, which are all combined with lots of laughter and fun for the whole evening and well into the next morning.


So follow me, @Agentcikay (on Twitter and Instagram), as I share my Edinburgh’s Hogmanay experience with you, hashtag #Blogmanay

There will be live tweeting and Facebooking and Instagramming of this rocking New Year Party from the streets of Edinburgh..!

With visitors from over 60 countries joining me at the ‘Home of Hogmanay’, along with a team of international Travel Bloggers.

If you are attending the Hogmanay.. be sure to tweet, facebook, photograph and share your Edinburgh’s Hogmanay experience by sending your content using #edhogmanay !

Follow our live bloggers at edinburghshogmanay.com as they keep you up to date with everything that’s happening at Edinburgh’s Hogmanay. You can even have your messages and photos posted on our site.


Main Sponsors:

This campaign is brought to you by Edinburgh’s Hogmanay and is sponsored by Visit Scotland, ETAG, Edinburgh Festivals, Haggis Adventures and Skyscanner. This is an iambassador campaign. However, CCFoodTravel.com maintains full editorial control of the content published on this blog.



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