5 Great Prizes to be Won for New Year Celebrations!

New Year is just round the corner! What better way to celebrate than to have a nice meal out (on us!) with your loved ones..


Tres Chi-chi Tea Buffet at Sheraton Imperial KL

Just for you, our loyal readers, we are giving way –
4 X RM100 cash vouchers for some fantastic dining at Senjyu Sushi,

and 1 x High Tea Buffet for two, at Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur.


All you need to do is to:

1. Like our Facebook fan page

2. Subscribe to Cumi & Ciki

Enter your email address:

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There will be a lucky draw and we will then email the WINNERS and send you your vouchers, via your email details that you use to subscribe to us.


Terms and Conditions:
1. This contest is open to everybody.
2. This contest ends on the 28th of December 2011
3. Winners will be randomly selected by us. We will be in touch via email.


Fab Japanese Dining at Senjyu


Tea for two.. at Sheraton.. how romantic!

Tis the season to be jolly.. and tis so easy to win! What are you waiting for.. hurry.. hurry!

[Olympus logo]


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