Ipoh Ipoh


They say.. all the pretty girls in town,


.. come from Ipoh.

Yes, yes, that’s true all pretty girls do come from Ipoh. The old myth says that the limestone water from the Ipoh hills are the contributors. Lovely Ipoh girls bath in icy, cold limestone water early every morning and that’s what makes them all perky and gorgeous.

Ipoh ipoh1-1

Needless to say, I am from Ipoh;)


Of course, pretty girls need to eat good food too, and the food from Ipoh is famed for being nothing less than fantastic.


So, when the newly opened Ipoh Ipoh Restaurant called us over for dinner one night, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on the food.

Ipoh ipoh

It’s great that you can get a decent sized bowl of Assam Laksa, Curry Mee or Ipoh Sar Hor Fun for roughly RM10.00 here. It also helps that this place is situated really close to my office and is air-conditioned – so no perspiring over your power-suit in the noon day heat. The best dish at this restaurant is the Assam Laksa. Loads of fish, minus the fishy smell and tons of mint leaves and herbs for extra kick. It was not a sour nor as spicy as I would have liked but for RM10, who can complain? I did not like the curry laksa too much as it had a strong curry powder taste to it and hardly any taste of santan (coconut milk). Curry mee without the santan is like Elvis without the Rhinestones (err, PA he say – Elvis without the Pelvis) ..like sex without the “O”, meaning can do, but not as *SHIOK. Having said that, the otak-otak, the burger and breads were decent enough.

An odd addition to the Ipoh menu were the grilled cheese sandwich and egg toast. A very ‘American’ snack. We were informed that they only used butter for its great taste instead of margarine. This was evident in the toast.

*Definition of SHIOK – gobsmackingly terrific, or

earth shatteringly supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, or

I-feel-the-earth-move-under-my-feet-I-feel-the-sky-tumbling-down kind of fantastic.


Check out the massive leaves of mint .. being a huge fan of mint leaves, I was pretty impressed with the size of these.


A rather milky tasting ice-cream to end the night, my favourite of these being the coffee flavoured one. Cumi preferred a white-coffee flavored (not in pic). The ice cream which comes directly from Ipoh, is also used to make milkshakes. We were informed the white coffee shake and durian shake is extremely popular.  Durian and us do not go well so we skipped it.

At Ipoh Ipoh Restaurant, we were told all recipes originate from popular eateries around the limestone city so if you miss the Ipoh fare then drop by for a bite. We found some hits and misses, but at such affordable prices in a comfortable setting, it’s worth it.

About my hometown:

Ipoh developed into one of Malaysia’s main cities due to the booming tin mining industry around the turn of the 19th century. During the British colonial era, Ipoh was Malaysia’s second city for administration purposes. There are several notable buildings from the British Colonial era such as the railway station and the town hall. The population of Ipoh is about 70% of Chinese origin. These days Ipoh is perhaps best known for its limestone hills, chinese temples, excellent restaurants, hawkers, and famous local dishes.

Ipoh Ipoh Restaurant (corner lot)
Unit A-16, Block A, Sunway Giza,
Jalan PJU 5/14,
Dataran Sunway Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya.
Tel: +6012 280 2297
Google Maps


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