As we were walking around Solaris Dutamas for lunch today, we happened to stumble upon, the MAP Art Festival. Apparently MAP is a new community driven arts platform that brings the most diverse creative content under one roof. Activities include music, art, sculpture, performances, installations, talks, workshops and art markets alongside social and individual empowerment activities.This art festival only lasts for two days, today and tomorrow and so if you have not seen it, Sunday is the last day for you to check it out. With its theatre-oriented Black Box and visual art-y White Box, it really is a rather cool space for artistes to showcase their talents. From readings by Bernice Chauly in conjunction with Earth Hour to Butoh dance by Nyoba Kan Dance Company, this is one art festival not to be missed. I’ll let the following photos of what we saw this afternoon, speak for themselves.
If you are interested in going, check out the full schedule of performances here.
So, who killed Roger Rabbit?
We liked the concept of the Black and White box and overall, it was a great endeavour and a step in the right direction for the creative arts. However, whilst the exhibition was great to look at, we would have preferred a more obvious theme to add cohesiveness and purpose to the displays. Also, a lot more advertising should have been done leading up to the MAP Art Fest for the benefit of more people.
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Add: Solaris Dutamas, No.1, Jalan Dutamas 1, KUALA LUMPUR Tel: 603-6207-8006
Yeah, it was way underpromoted… but KL absolutely deserves more art spaces and this place looks like it’s got tons of potential. Can’t wait to check it out myself now… I don’t know what possessed me to decide to stay in instead!
totally agree. at least we have one more day to check it out! (that’s why i blogged it first thing in the morn! LOL)
Truly Wacky, Truly Wonderful. Truly Malaysia?
Truly kenny mah
Interesting sculptures and abstract art! I like the one with the mannuqueins (can never spell this) stuck into the wall, in a position best described as compromising. 😉
haha. maybe they are bending over to smell the roses? 😛
Very interesting works of art, thanks for sharing. Love the hanging tiger pic!
Nice to look at but i doubt they would ever made it to my home
Really cool. Am sorry I missed it. Only heard about it like 2 days before. And by that time sked for next 1 says edi planned. Damn!
Wow I like. I want that tiger pinata!!!