Dear reader, Cumi and Ciki will be in Java for 9 days next month (Feb 2010).
We need your destination + food suggestions to help us come up with a roadtrip program!
Our plan is to fly into Jakarta, make our way through Bandung, Cirebon, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta. Share with us a 7-8 day program on interesting adventures, food, cultural, social attractions along these areas. Also, if you want to recommend any other stops in Java to visit, feel free to leave a comment too!
If its too long to comment, send us an email (via Contact in the left column main menu).
you don’t need to work? I’m so jealous! I also wanna go…….
i need to work.. i am working.. but i will be off off and away again soon 😛 😉
wahhhh, travelling again?!?!
yes! wanna come?! Hey, you need to help me with our EAT LIST ! mwuahahaa 😈
about your cilantro query, actually ah, no need to crack head. they have a RM300++ degustation menu where u can sample about 5-6 items. but if u wanna go a la carte, the 3 must-trys are the angel hair pasta with uni/sea urchin, shirako (cod sperm sac) with foie gras, and grilled wagyu sirloin. all very soft food, no need to chew wan! 😀 the menu changes regularly though, so hopefully those are all still available when u go…
thx hamsum.. going to try soon.. real soon… 😎
Happy hols you 2wo 🙂
happy hols jules! how’s ur holiday going?! 😆
so many travels recently?
Happy New Year!!!
why stop now.. we on a ROLL.. 😛 🙄
That’s awesome! I wish I could go travel! Hmm…will wait until everything settles down.
Happy New Year and happy travelling! 🙂
sounds like a plan stan.. new year is really packed with work and all but we figured better take advantage of the CNY hols 😉
Yay! You are coming to Jakarta!!! 🙂
You need a list to eat in Jakarta? So many restaurant.. so many food, so it depends on what you are looking for.. authentic? ambiance? street food?
I will recommend:
Padang food (West Sumatra authentic) at Natrabu rest. or Sederhana rest. or Sari Bundo rest. or Garuda rest. in Jakarta
Noodles at Bakmi Gajahmada in Jakarta (You must try their fried wantan, so yummy!!!)
Biutika rest. (Manadonese authentic – very hot and spicy) in Jakarta
Bumbu Desa rest. (Sundanese authentic) in Jakarta or Bandung
Kampung Daun in Bandung
Gudeg Yu Jum rest. (Central Java authentic) in Yogyakarta
Soto Bangkong (Central Java authentic) in Semarang. Semarang is famous for Lumpia, Wingko Babat, Bandeng Presto.
yes selba! we are coming.. fantastic list.. btw, will u be free to makan/meet up? We would love to hangout with you! 😛
Sure!!! I would LOVE to meet you guys!!! 🙂 Just let me know the exact days you all be in Jakarta.
I think the best to go around Jakarta if you want to look around a lot of places is to hire a car with a driver which cost around USD 50 per day (depends on the car’s type). No need to worry about the petrol at all, only the parking ticket fees.
Oh… btw, I just remember if you love eating seafood, there are 2 places that I would recommend in Jakarta which are Pondok Laguna and Saung Green Ville. Many of Malaysian bloggers have been visiting these 2 places 😉
sounds great! I am going to write to your email so we can discuss logistics!
Was about to ask you to ask Selba, but looks like she has already responded *guffaws* Have fun you two!
yeah, she was fast on the reply .. yay! cannot w8 to meet selba! 😆
Have fun you two! 😉
thx sulynn!
I’ll go through my little black book 🙂
3HT, oh swell.. do let us know what you suggest! 😛
I also want!!
sigh.. stuck in Msia for 1.5 years di.. (not countin a quick trip to Sg). So beh tahan!! grrr!!
serious..? ask unka to take u on some island trip la.. not ex wat these days 😎
another vacation! envy-nya… have fun you two! 🙂
christine, yar.. ! CNY round the corner and we r off:D
Travel AGAIN?? I don’t wanna fren you anymore, really! 😐
Faith, aww, dont be like that .. you come with us ler.. hehe 😉
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Like your adorable monyet hangin right there. Good year to start travelling hor! Take the Jakarta train to Bandung, love that mountain high running over valleys journey. Enjoy. Glad I found your new site again, need to update my bloglist when free.
I heard that J-Co donuts in Jakarta’s very good. ROFL! 😯
munkey.. knew i could count on you for some sweets info 😈
Errrr. 😯
Hello there..i’ll be at Jkt & Bandung too next week..In fact, i go to Indonesia quite a bit..Perhaps you can try Lara Djongrang, a really nice &chic restaurant serving authentic Indonesian cuisine- http://www.tuguhotels.com/laradjonggrang/index.html
Btw, I think Selba is the best person to recommend where to eat in Indonesia 😉
–>(Selba, I read yr blog^^..and I dropped you an email earlier on, which you’ve yet to reply :cry:)
hi chloe .. aw, cheers for the info! we will be there in Feb, so too bad we will miss you though.. unless you are going again next month? 😉
Hey Chloe,
I already replied your email directly as soon as I received it from you. You haven’t received yet? That’s weird…. I’ll resend it again now!
Feb…auww, needa stay back for CNY.. 😉 Enjoy yr trip^^ you definitely gonna love it~
Selby..hmm, dats werid..Not to sure what’s wrong but I’ve jst checked and it’s not in yet 😕 Can you plsss reply to [email protected] ..thxs dear^^
will talk to you more about my yogya when we meet, ya! ;D am going post my makan experience in yogya soon! ;D
oh, btw, must eat GUDEG in yogya!
i am central java native… 😀 and i can say to you to try “nasi kucing” at jogja, and “nasi liwet” at solo.
and try to go to ambarawa, there are many of delicious food at that city. namely soto, sate, pecel, nasi goreng, tahu campur, etc… still in the same city, you can also go to “museum kereta api” to have a real ride of steam train at mountainous track through the spectacular countryside view of fertile-volcanic land.
for bandung, i have a guide list in my sent items box in my email. i have sent it to some Malaysian prior their visit to bandung. if you wish, i can send you that mail…
hi niko, oh thx so much for your tips.. will absolutely want to eat nasi kucing and all the delicious things u mentioned! cheers.
Hi Mei! Keith from velvet escape introduced us, I’m also excited to hear about your Java Trip, I’m javanese living in Bali, and last year did this Java Road Trip with my bf, you might want to read these 2 blog posts : http://www.beeamazing.com/java-road-trip-24-27-oct09-part-1/ and http://www.beeamazing.com/java-road-trip-part-2/ yay!
I wonder why my Gravatar didn’t show up here, otherwise you can see me eating spaghetti :p I invite you to come & visit my Bali culinary Blog http://www.wisatakulinerbali.com (bi-lingual, scroll down for english text), my next blog post will be the sequel from My Java Road trip on my travel blog http://www.beeamazing.com , hope it will fill you up with some yummy ideas for your Java Trip , cheers!