Photo courtesy of Empire online
Transformers II The Revenge of the Fallen – Action Packed, a little Cheesy & Sappy in parts. Who cares? It offered up, great, mindless entertainment all the way! We had fun:)
Thank you LL and Bald eagle for organizing the tix!

After the movie, on to San Peng for some nasi lemak. This nasi lemak use to be packed back in the days of yore, but today, even at approximately 9.45pm, it was easy to get a table. The crowd that use to flock to queue for this famous fatty coconut rice had been reduced to half the number of ardent fans, sad to say.

Well, bad for the vendors, good for us, as we did not have too long a wait in front of us. The aunty looked a little sour, so I had to put my point and shoot on stealth mode (i.e. hidden behind the back of the person queuing in front of me)

As this is Chinese nasi lemak, there is no shortage of lard. Pork sausages, Pork Luncheon Meat, Pork this, Pork that.. I filled my plate so high and so fast you could hardly see my Nasi Lemak straining under the weight of the sauces and the meats I had greedily picked for myself.
The other thing I like best about this nasi lemak is, it allows you to be as creative as you want. It neither hampers nor dampens your initial instinct to be a glutton and as I reach for the kidney, the curry chicken the extra cuttle fish, the massive dollop of steaming sambal – i feel like an
artiste let loose to
‘paint her plate RED’ .
Oh joy!
RM27.00 for the 3 plates you see above which means approximately RM9.00 per plate. Not the cheapest of streetside nasi lemaks but when one looks at the amount of ‘stuff’ atop the rice, one can hardly complain right?
Cumi decided to go for the good ole fashioned charsiew wantan noodles because he finds the Nasi Lemak San Peng only just so-so. For RM3.50 his plate of ‘orange’ charsiew and noodles was substantial and in the words of the man himself, “pretty damn good and cheap”.
He also ordered the burger from a stall nearby and this was good too. However, priced at RM2.30 it was rather small for its size. The flavour of the patty was good and the sauces and egg a perfect complement to the burger.
All in all a really fun night.
Tomorrow , the final run before the KL Marathon.. Woo-hoo! All systems GO.
Nasi lemak San Peng,
Off Jalan San Peng,
opposite the San Peng flats
(very near tiger jit singh)
Opening hours: 9ish pm till wee hours of the morn
Oh… hardly go there during the night. But I used to work in San Peng area. Loathe the jam and the double park problems…
Your nasi lamak is piled with dishes!!
Hahaha, that's what I commented on LL's first San Peng post too! "Can't see the rice" :p
has their popularity faded because of the vendor's surliness? y'know, i'm not sure i've ever had non-halal nasi lemak before. looks mouthwatering. almost like a cross between regular nasi lemak and nasi kandar.
watching the movie tonite at 10.30pm. hope i can stay awake. 😀
still got final run ar..
went to test drive my "gout" feet for a km..and it went well..maybe another 5km run to see if it will hold..
no megan fox pictures???
Da fallen will rise again. Ayam your farder. Brzzk brzzk.
Nice nasi lemak. I like the lup cheong. Yum2.
OMG! How to sleep after sinking that plate of nasi lemak? =.=||
Looks very delicious though …. to eat or not to eat …..
yes yes..this plc famous for its prices! So now its hit by the econ also hor?
Actualy I like my WTM with tht type of noodles! Now i knw where to get it! woohoo!
yeah, heard from others that the nasi lemak is akin to nasi putih ….
not the most sinful version out there.
so there's a reason for the additional bells and whistles!
Wow … that plate of nasi lemak at 9:45pm. Respect !
Call me el cheapo, but somehow i prefer the rm1 plain nasi lemak bungkus, downed with a hot cuppa local black. ^_^
I wanna try the nasi lemak!!! Hungry now liao…. 😀
Maybe the aunty's black mouth black face has driven off her customers!! 😀
Cumi's Noodles looks good. Not a big fan Chinese Style Nasi Lemak myself.
Pss… you did not have the spoiler on Devastator's banging bxxxx here?? I had the laugh of the night. LOL! Anyway, the WTM looked great at it's real cheap for the KL standard. Reb! I want go there!! 😛
Nasi lemak, price also lemak for a roadside stall; can imagine you take your shot from behind with shaking hands! Marathon again? that too many a year.
Yummy… Nasi lemak with porky extras… Was that a piece of luncheon meat I spied? 😉
Hmm looks like your Nasi Lemak has transformed into Curry Chap Fan? Brzzk brzzk. And the Wantan noodles wasn't flying innit?
nasi lemak ala Chinois! now, that's gonna be a good alternative to the usual hangouts after the clubbing hours…yayz!
Where is the nasi?? All i see is a high pile of lauk, LOL!
You having lauk only issit?? Haha..sure looks yummy lah!