You looked at him with an expression that says: Nani?
“What’s with the face, I heard from your BFF that you liked sake.. and that you just hit your target.. ?”, he grins knowingly while pouring the sake into the glasses.
“Uh, I do and I have, it’s just that… I’m sorta working.. ?”
“It’s your day off isn’t it?”
“Well yeah but..”
“So here, then have a drink with me.”
You take the tiny glass and sip it.
“So, you and your sake, you guys are together a lot..?”
“Uh yeah, she shows me around..”
“And on public holidays you just bum around doing nothing?”
“I wouldn’t call this nothing.. It takes a lot of planning to get this good at what I do”
“Oh yea, right… I heard stories about that…”
“Something about you being a meticulous sake-drinker.”
You two laugh and talk about many things.
“Oh, drink up.. I have to get back to work.”
The place : Eric’s Deli (though it looks nothing like a deli.. more like a chinese restaurant) at hartamas shopping complex
The hook: Good, affordable Chinese food/ also Steamboat, at reasonable prices in comfortable surroundings. Hartamas is a convenient area for most!
The line: You can bring your own booze.. ANY booze
The sinker : NO CORKAGE!
More on “hitting the target”: Join the Club, HERE!
Footnote: Only the parts about the TARGET, and those who have to work on public holidays were real. Other parts of the conversation, just happened in the over-active, sake-soaked mind of a monkey blogger .. namely me, Ciki.
u bring ur own sake here?
shall we also have sake soon? lol!
we enjoy our sakes! and we definitely enjoy the company of our friends!
so, when u have free corkage and awesome conversations, it’s called a happy reunion. ;D
Always good fun.
So how many stories did you mix up to get this one story?
Congrats on hiting the target. The response to the membership was enormous! *hic* So when is the next appreciation meet again?
Never have sake b4 😛
isay, looks like i missed this hoh! chis bedebah.
i am so lost from this!!! where and when did that conversation happen?
btw, they do charge corkage, but coz we go so often, they waive it for us. :p
How fun!
I would like to try sake….
Tis fiction .. fiction! hahahaha.. just setting the scene for sake drinking on a holiday la, woman 😛
yup yup yarp!
yes.. just name the time and place!
yar.. happier if everyday is a holiday eh
only the part about the TARGET and the those going back to WORK is real la.. hahaha .. see, i confuse poor Chuiz
Apparently sooner than we think! hehe
alamak.. missing out!
YARP.. but u were with us in spirit.. rite? 😛
have u not tried it? must try la.. it’s rice wine .. taste a bit like plum
I added a footnote JUST 4U !!!
and erm, really ah.. you drink there so often that they waive ur corkage ah.. what next.. a VIP table.. a limitless credit card.. ? Mwuahahaha
hahaha funny post … i can sooo relate to your situation that day 😉
you are definitely a creame la d itsfunfunfun ! of the dream KL sake circuit , and a nex coming future top draw…& rising
Good to know we aren’t the only ones.. phew;)
lol, ok!