Unique Seafood PJ

Unique seafood is one of the gaudiest, loudest seafood joints i’ve ever been to. It’s creepy. Honest.

So weird you start to hallucinate …

Anyway, my boss thought that it was a GREAT idea to visit this place for the company’s 1st LOW SANG of the year. I can’t imagine why. But he’s the boss. So here we are.

My sales team members are young, energetic individuals. Very enthusiastic. I love em.

We wipe the (really lousy) YEE SANG clean. Because we are hungry (and bored)…

Being young and skinny and bottomless pits and all…

so they bring more food…

and more…

…and MORE…

..till we are stuffed on dessert…

Finally .. ready to go home…

Verdict :
Food was totally average but the company was ace… as always… 🙂

Food : 3/10 ( very salty and very, very mediocre)
Price : 43 for single yeesang, 63 for double (as in double the FISH)
Salt levels ; Sky high
Service :so-so… pretty slow


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