Stone age cooking.. in a place that has been around since the stone ages…

You would think that a place, that has been around as long as Chinoz on the park, would have some form of reproducible standard in the quality of their food.

Not so.

We had some clients in the Ampang area to entertain, and so we chose this venue for lunch.

The oysters were anorexic …

the smoke salmon caesar salad was slimy and drenched in way too much sauce…

the lobster bisque soup lacked .. lobster .. and was damn salty…

the soft shell crab was so thin and brittle it was like eating “keropok” instead of crab…

the seared scallop with chicken liver should have been called “fish-ball liver rojak” – because the scallop tasted like fish ball, and it was presented like something the car ran over…

the linguine pasta marinara was overcooked and mushy…

Please Mr. Chinoz chef… al dente, darling… al dente..
(and incase you don’t know what the definition of al dente is .. Al dente refers to the desired texture of cooked pasta in Italian cooking. It literally means “to the tooth”. When the pasta is cooked al dente, there should be a slight resistance in the center when the pasta is chewed! ) .. Got that Mr. Chef??!!!

OK.. ok… so when you thought there was no more hope … the saving grace of this whole horrific dining experience was… the Chocolate Torte… it was HEAVEN! No complaints here… Melt in your mouth , exquisite chocolate… fabulous ! Maybe Chinoz should advertise themselves as a dessert place instead.. more credibility..

But then.. down hill from there again…

Flat coffee mocha… with hardly any coffee oomph…

tasteless Hibiscus Chamomile Tea… so watered down it was like drinking colored hot water…

To console ourselves, my colleague had to bring out her shopping so that we would all feel better after that disastrous meal..
Shopping always puts a smile on my face.. :):)

Look at this !! Isn’t Paul & Joe just adorable.. ? If I were a cosmetic, I would want to be packaged just like Paul & Joe. The packaging is pink and really cute.. This is the latest creamy compact foundation.. but my colleague swears by the make up base. She says its got this amazing porcelain effect which makes you damn fair and gorgeous… (she really is damn fair and gorgeous, ok, so she should know) .

Don’t ask me .. I am the opposite of fair.. Ask me about tanning products, can, … don’t ask me about porcelain… I haven’t done porcelain since I was 5.
Food : 3/10
Service :4/10
MSG level : Don’t know and don’t care.. the food too bad to tell
Price : totally not worth it man.

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