Xpax – Don’t Lose it All!

Data is important.

It’s what keeps us connected even when we are miles apart.

Technology has altered man’s lifestyle and is continuing to make changes too. In fact there is no aspect in a person’s life that technology has not touched and the best way to keep in touch at a low cost, and keep communications going is by having some form of data plan or other.

Dont Lose It All

1. In Real Time
Speed is one of the best aspects of technology. We hear of what is happening around as it happens. This makes current updates of world news, global politics and even emergency situations available at our finger tips.

2. Easy access
With all the electronic gadgets available these days a person will be distraught looking for a pretext not to communicate. Not having a phone or an internet connection is in fact a lame excuse. Accessibility is especially helpful for work, for play.. and even, er.. budding romances?

3. Cheap

Now with the internet, chatting/skyping/whatsapping and talking can be done for virtually free, and with a data plan, think of the countless hours you and your loved one can spend with each other, even across the seven seas.

Watch this video for some cheesy Malaysian humor, and tell me if the same would have happened if the guy had some form of data plan ..

So, what’s your verdict? Did he find someone else? Or is it just a simple misunderstanding?

(Feel free to leave a comment!)

But one thing’s for sure…

If there is no data, you just might lose it all. In this day and age, connecting to a loved one is zippy, communication is instantaneous, plus it costs close to nothing to have it.

Dial *128# to sign up for any pack to have it all!

For more information visit the website.


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