Movie Review – The Boondock Saints

2008-12-03-boondock_saintsFraternal twins Conner (Sean Patrick Flanery – Suicide Kings) and Murphey (Norman Reedus – Gossip) MacMannus are on a mission from God to rid Boston of crime. However, instead of signing up for the police force, these twins are on a mission from God to rid Boston of crime, i.e. these hard-drinking Irish-American brothers take the law into their own hands a la Charles Bronson in DEATH WISH. Heralded as saints by the city’s beleaguered residents, the brothers also attract the attention of Paul Smecker (Dafoe), the openly gay FBI special agent assigned to investigate the spate of killings amongst the ranks of the Russian mafia.

I liked the show initially because of the cool concept of two, young, handsome vigilantes, ridding the world of evil and crime. How chivalrous! I also particularly loved Dafoe’s over the top acting as a gay cop – check out the final scene when he dresses up as a woman – totally hilarious.

While I enjoyed the action spats in the movie and the eye-candy (like seeing dishy doubles!)  I don’t think the flick had a storyline that held water. A whole load of action scenes inter-cut with a flash-forward framework that promptly explains each action scene – it was a little too all over the place – like a Tarantino film gone wrong.  Overall, Boondock Saints is just a little bit less mindless than many B-grade  shootout flicks. It did not have a dense plot nor brilliant conversation. However, it did have actors like Billy Connolly, Willem Dafoe, and the super cool David Della Rocco (check out that facial-hair) who keep the show afloat.

We would only recommend this show if you have nothing else better to do, or watch on a rainy Saturday evening, and if you are huge fans of Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus.. (like me because they are SUPER hot!)

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  • minchow says:

    Oooh I often wondered about Sean Patrick Flannery after Powder… he just dropped off the radar, and luckily he hasn’t lost his… umm.. best assets! Hard-drinking law-bending hawt daredevils… how can that possibly do any of us wrong?

  • Sean says:

    ahh u know what … i haven’t watched this movie, but i’ve watched its sequel, boondock saints 2: all saints day! it takes place about a decade later, and it’s actually quite a fun b-grade movie. 😀

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