This SS3 corner coffee shop rocks for cheap, good hawker food. It’s an oldie but a goodie. I am talking about Kean Fatt that is located at SS3/59E , Petaling Jaya. This place is famous for the pork mee. Read more about that Pork Noodle on Masak-masak and KYspeaks.
Apart from the Pork Mee, Cumi and ciki particularly love the Curry Ngau Lam (Curry Beef Brisket) mee-hoon noodles here. We like the fact that this shop is unconventional and you can ask to have the beef noodle in the curry soup instead of the normal beef stock soup. We love the way, this uncle’s slow cooking of the brisket, breaks down the collagen in the connective muscle tissues to achieve that addictive tenderness. I am referring to that nice mixture of sensations where some pieces have a melt in your mouth succulence and yet some pieces give you that added fight and chewiness. Some shops serve hard/tough meat and we find that a real put off. The curry is strong, greasy and incredibly tasty.
The Char Mee (Fried noodles) is not bad either. It has enough of ‘Wok hei’ (smoky wok aroma) to clinch the deal. They are generous with their prawns that are of a decent size and really crunchy to the bite.
Petaling Jaya
47300 Selangor
I haven’t had the curry ngau lam :X
must try!
curry ngau lam sounds great! Cumi eat carb? 🙂
ofkors eat carbs. noodles is carbs wat 😛
i am half way starving when i came in your blog..
saw your curry mee, i lagi hungry…
gr8 and thx for stopping by!
can we test how unconventional they’re willing to get? how about asking for the FRIED noodles in the curry soup the next round? 😀
no need to ask, just chuck the noodles in the curry la 😛
I’ve never had curry beef noodles before! It already sounds like a good idea. Genius that guy!
yup yup
I come here for the pork noodles only. Maybe next time I’ll have both the pork noodles and curry! LOL
haha.. nice la.. better not talk.. im making myself hungry!
Curry ngau lam is new to mee, the curry soup not too overpowering meh?
new to mee.. ! haha so funny was that on purpose?
no way too overpowering. more like heaven! haha
The only thing that I remember about SS3 is the cheap western food (steaks, chop, etc)…
About pork noodle & ngau lam mee (sorry but I don;t eat beef)… dunno leh..
time to revisit!
Yay for the char mee cos me no beeg fan of ngau lam. (I know, I’m such a wimp!)
really?! cannot imagine anyone not liking ngau lam.. wow..!
Strange combination, curry gravy with beef tripes. But then again …. I’ve had equally mind-boggling combinations in HK. CUrry Mutton noodles sold by a Chinese, anyone?
LOL, enough said! 😉
Me also counting down to see you!!! ;D
good lawd girl, you blog faster than i can fart!!! i thought i was uptodate with my reading, and suddenly i see, eh? i’ve not seen this before. better use your nuffnang earnings to bring us on holiday. bali can ah?
thx ahpa – i got your speedy genes mah;)
ofkors will take you on holiday.. with my own money also can 😆 hehe
@ C & C: Wah…looks good! I haven’t tried it…my friends LURVE the yong tau foo there…each time they gather for band practice, they’ll surely head there for breakfast. One day I should try the curry ngau lam mee soon!!
@ FBB: *rofl* I find it SOO true! I can’t even find the time to sit down properly to THINK of how to get my blog post out after work…it seems as if Mei has great time mgt !
actually hor, I am damn blardy hardworking and prepare my shots and blog at night, and publish in the morn b4 i go to work! .. the other person I know who does it this way in Munkey(A lil fat monkey) ..ahaha.. besides, I love blogging. if there’s a will , there’s away 😆
btw, if you travel a lot, you can even prepare your articles at ‘scheduled’ release date and time. That is if you are damn hardworking la.. like moi:P
Only mornins? Unka kept telling me here got nice tai chow n steamed fish at nite.
Muz tell him this one, cos he’s such a beef lover itelya!