“At first you hear the sound of the breeze rustling the leaves and you smell the salt. You also hear the fisherman shutting down their motorboats and hauling in their nets. You can hear one fisherman calling to another. The dialect is strange to your ears.
Then you hear an older woman calling to the fishermen in a weathered and haughty voice. Her patience is thin and her enchantment with the sea has taken a battering from many a cruel storm. She wants attention. The fishermen look through her, as if she isn’t even there.
Later, you see a man – a trader, weighing the fisherman’s catch, and trying to give him a fair price. You see the fisherman look skeptically at the trader man. Both give each other the “evil-eye”. Surely it’s worth more than that, says one to the other.
You can also hear the chatter of the local people, including children, adolescents, and older women setting up their stores for the day… Soon, the tourists will arrive and we will make good money.. soon…”

“Once ago I loved the sea
And as I did, it loved me
But I found another love for me
And she became my bride to be
We were as happy as can be
Unlike my old love, the sea
She was meant for me
But she did not like it that sea
So she sent a storm for me
But got my bride to be
I must love the sea
Or it will keep coming after me
That evil sea
She is happy that sea
As happy as me
When I had my bride to be
I’ll never be
Happy as can be
When my bride to be
Is with that evil sea”
leo conway
Anyways, located within Pasir Penampang, there is a small seafood market where villagers as well as tourists come to buy seafood which is freshly caught by the fishermen who berth at the nearby pier.
We normally come here for the KEROPOK and KEREPEK because no one serves it up like Kuala Selangor – crispy, crunchy and fresh with stinky REAL fish smells! LOVE!
CIKI…. go to visit….

Those dark haired monkeys have a silvery shine on their fur. The Silverleaf babies have orange fur as compared with the adults. After two months they get the silver colour of the elderly monkeys. The Silverleaf Monkeys are a delight to meet.
Bukit Melawati is so clean! It has been well maintained and looked after.
From the hill, you can see the Fishing Village we just came from… 🙂
We love this place… We hope it stays this beautiful for a long, long time…
After the hill.. on to LUNCH..!
LEFT : This is… a CHICKEN COOP (most of you got this one right!)
RIGHT: HEAVY DUTY FRIDGE .. on that same plantation to keep the harvested chicken fresh…
So, why on earth would you drive all the way out HERE…
To eat THIS… ?
BECAUSE… this is one of the few places in Selangor, that serves you Beggars’ Chicken that’s why:D
A few posts ago, we did the Zoo Negara’s Beggar’s chicken blog. In the past, we have always only ever eaten at the Bukit Jugra and/or Zoo Negara Beggar’s chicken, but have not tried the Ijok one. So since this one is the newer of the two (we read about this place via Masak-masak’s blog)… and being die hard BC fans.. we just had to go to Ijok to compare for ourselves, the quality of the BC! Also, since Ijok is really near Kuala Selangor, and we were in the area, this was the perfect chance to try it out.
So, what else did we see..
As usual, the normal paraphernalia…
Everytime I see this, I think of a MUD/CLAY wrestling match…
The idea is to WIN before the clay hardens..
Any contenders?! tee-hee:P
More clay…
” Burn baby burn… Disco Inferno…”
The man smiles for me.. and unwraps our parcel…
Again, masak-masak was right.. aluminium foil replaces the lotus leaf… how sad… (we like it the old-fashion way.. oo-er)
The moment of truth.. the foil is unwrapped.. to reveal…. a …. TINY chicken! We gasp -this chicken is like half the size of the ones we are use to!
Hmmmmm… after sinking out teeth in.. we realise that whilst the chicken might be small, the quality of the flesh is undisputedly better than the type you get from a larger chicken.
This chicken is soft, sweet and succulent! The herbal sauce is also of the clear type, as opposed to dark and murky. The husband prefers it clear as well… so.. Two thumbs up!
Very, very good.
Just call us the Demolition Crew.
What’s that .. and why do they need so much of it?!
Oh.. it goes in HERE.. to make the dish even more flavourful. Again, based on Masak-masak’s recommendation, we tried the glutinous rice.. and it was amazing.
This rice is insane.
There is more stuff in it , than the actual rice! (It’s like how the saying goes – have some rice with your stuffing… ! not vice-versa.. hahahaha)
We are talking at least 2 dozen egg yolks of the ‘Ham-Tan’ kind and epic proportions of mushrooms, dried shrimp(previous photo) and the ‘Hou-See’ (oyster) .
Too good for words.
Since most people try the prawn, fish and crab and have blogged about it, we decided to try the ‘Fu-Yee Pai-Kuat’ (fermented bean pork ribs) instead. Also excellent. Fried to a crisp but not over fried nor burnt. Inside the meat was succulent and oozing with juice. Life is good!
Cute kid helping with the tables… If his size is anything to go by… do not scoff at Beggar’s Chicken – it helps you grow up strong, healthy and WISE 😉
The Chicken :7/10
Service:8/10 (book 24 hours in advance as with most BC joints)
MSG levels: low
Salt levels: high
New Beggar’s Delicious Restaurant, Ijok.
Tel: 03 -3279 1936 (book your “chick” before hand!)
Travel on the highway that leads past Ikea (i.e. Damansara Perdana etc )
Drive towards Kuala Selangor on the Sungai Buloh Highway.
You will pass :
An Ikan bakar place… and know that you are on the right track…
You will also see this sign, which means that you are still on Highway 54 and still on the right track…
Be alert – suddenly you will see this sign, to turn off the main road…
Restoran New Beggar’s Chicken Delicious -that’s the one you want!
Travel down the small road into the plantations… (for around 2 minutes)..
Then you will see it.. TA-DAH! You have arrived!
darn i must knock myself silly on my head!!! looks like you’ve posted this when i went reply your questions hahaha my stewpit feed came in a day late!!!! *dig a hole and bury my face insde*
and i was rather correct the first time hahaha except the location 😛
Nice! I have heard a lot about beggar chicken (in dramas too lol) but never had the chance to try it. Even the way they cook it seem to be very traditional and authentic 🙂 Kuala Selangor seems like a very looooong drive away from the city.. need to plan this ahead.
lol.. you were the closest .. 1st time round ;D very good!
KS about 1.5 hour from PJ, yes
YEAY….at least I got some right too…hehe, the place and the food is something to do with chicken mar:)
So do I get a berry?:D
I’ve also been to Bkt Melawati many many many moons ago…a truly serene and understated historic landmark, eh?:D
tried the REAL deal once only, tot from Bangi or somewhere, no? or Banting. or something.
last time me tot Ijok was in Perak. =P
thanks for the directions.
and the air halia reminded me of the climb at Bukit Jambul, Penang, when they provide air halia for free to climbers. the consequences = gas-sy.
yea.. extremely close.. and yup, u get a berry! lol
ya la.. ginger is suppose to get rid of gas, but sometimes i feel it causes gas! haha
WOW another nice post with so much UN-city things to explore and enjoy. The beggar’s chicken seriously had so much clay work before the making. Thot they were making bricks. The demolished chicken seems to have a syringe in it?
Helo helo:D No.. that’s the bone?! teehee
Super write-up and that glutinous rice looks so yummm..
Wah, finally I see REAL monkeys on your blog 🙂
lol.. thanks.. from the monkeys 😉
haha, i was at bukit melawati a couple of months ago. the air halia man is quite funny… he has this plastic alligator thing that he uses to scare the monkeys if they come too near to snatch the long beans. lol.
u a fan of the great outdoors too huh? lol.. cool:D
chickennn…i think my fren is asking me to go..the following wkend..so i knw..need to order 2 or 3 chicks!
I love that: Cumi & Ciki… MEET… Cumi & Ciki! So cute…
As for the stuffed rice, wow… one can get stuffed just looking at it. *drools*
woah, like discovery travel and living plus hallmark plus HBO plus national geography plus RTM liddat…excellent trip!!!
cuti-cuti malaysia never looked so interesting!
funny lar, the part about the monkeys…haha!
I always go to Kuala Selangor for fish but each time I wanted to go for the Beggar Chicken, i will surely be tempted away with crabs and seafood lunch. Next visit, I must surely go for the BC oledi, especially the glutinous rice. Yumz..i could almost taste the chic gravy. Oo.and i like it clear too!
I missed the chance to go this Begger Chicken last time when my company outing *sigh*
yea.. iv seen the way you eat.. two words.. NOT ENUF! haha.. actually, you can have BChick, Bduck, B'anythinguwant' so.. it's good that the portions are small.. more to try:D
cute rite? so.. who's cuter..? Us, (the original C&C) .. or… the sliverleaf imposters.. kahkahkah (kidding ler.. but seriously.. who:P)
what can we say.. you are a gal who knows what she wants/likes! And.. I totally get where you are coming from. Everytime I balik kampung (ipoh) people say there are sooooooooo many things to eat. BUT i only want the curry mee and the chee cheong fun.. ! see?
u like the monkeys eh?? see the resemblance?! do ya? haha
never too late:D
Ohh the monkeys are so cute! I have been to this BC place… good and cheap food! Their set menu (10 dishes for 10 ppl) is just under rm300 – great value & really delish!
lol.. really? now THAT is value for monies ;D
we have passed by this stretch of road n+1 times but still haven't got the pressure to be with the beggar & the wrapped tight babe chicks