You know it’s going to be a good night when family is near, the tipple is endless.. and good food is just around the corner.

For just a second, I felt really rather sorry for this poor guy. Almost felt regret at having to eat him… mmm, a very short second.
What can i say. Amazing little pig. Melts like butter and yet explodes in your mouth into a Zonkillion little crunchy pieces!
I love pig.
Later the meat will be consumed as well. Have no fear.
Didn’t I say they would use ALL parts of that little piggy? Did you not HEAR me.. eek! 😛
Anyway, we’ve heard of people being huge fans of seafood,
What can we say… when our friends/family get married.. we get eating, drinking, merry-making. Life is good!
Congratulations to the Happy Couples!
Oriental Pavilion,
1st Floor, Jaya 33
No. 33, Jalan Semangat Section 13,
46100 Petaling Jaya
MSG levels: high
Salt levels: high
Service: Very good (fast/ attentive)
Add 2:
Extra Super Tanker,
48 SS 20/10
Damansara Kim
47400 Petaling Jaya
MSG levels: moderate
Salt levels: moderate
Service: good
Somehow with porky parts and the fish eye, you’ve managed to make wedding dinners into something of an adventure, no? Here’s kampei to the next one! 😀
Happy dinner can see, and the abalone soup, walau…
all we want is to be bitten pink n purple by that deliciously gorgeous wet lips on pix no 14. Even if the heart stops beating for 60 secs , why even forever
haha … I CAN hear you. 🙂
but seems a bit gross to be chewing on a suckling’s ear wax, no?
anyway, soft shell crabs suit a wedding the most, cz no need use hands to crack open shells, and risk destroying that million dollar dress.
i think i was in that same room in oriental a few weeks back, coz i recognised it instantly. food looks darn good. how come all your wedding dinners all so good food one? unlike those i attend….where i have to bring a hipflask full of tipple (ok la, these days that’s rare), and a saltshaker full of msg?
aaah, the famous soft shell crab at Oriental. Very good stuff, esp with the mantou. The piggy looks nice and crispy.
Cool, another place to check out crabs. Kinda sick of the usual places so must try something new.
yar.. weddings are a riot:P
if your heart stops beating, u stop writing.. how can?:P
i am thinking they clean the ears before they cook it..(like in river cottage – u know, when they show you how they slaughter the pig and clean up every part?!) and stop putting scary thoughts into my head.. hahaha:P good point about the designer dress .. lol
really ? I have the opposite experience – normally too salty and too much msg for me.. rather than bland food
yea, you won’t be disappointed:D
i’m sorta biologically, just wanna ask, which part of the pig is that red arrow pointing to ar?
and come next month, there’ll be even more wet mouths!
hi nic!
it’s the ear… 😀 and why.. ru getting married? lol
the little pig so flavoursome and delicious.. i’m feel very very hungry now
gosh more weddings to attend this september
guffaw nic, which part of the pig DID you think it was?
mary had a lil pig.. it’s skin was crispy as sin. lol
i noticed that the non-chinese don’t give a hoot about ghost month.. they still do their banquets anyway.. which is cool.
to nic – i was too polite to ask.. to fbb – you asked! haha