Cantina @ La jolla, California – American Asian Fusion at

Wow! So… today, I got to try American Asian Fusion… (can you say that fast with your mouth full or marbles..)

Cantina is an amazing place for weekend breakfast…

Especially if you are undecided on whether you want the whole American do… e.g. pancakes, toast and eggs… or the Asian style breakfast… e.g. curry noodles…

Well, at this place you can have both!

Ok, so the Buddha Bowl is Cantina’s version of Curry Noodles… its pretty close to a cross between Malaysian Curry laksa and Thai laksa… spicy and yummie!!

It was the 1st time I felt the heat.. in my food and on my tongue… this entire trip… and so, I was happy 🙂

Spicy noodles…

And huge pancake portions…

And… even puzzles for the kids… as they eat their pancakes….

Pretty ideal for a nice family

Sunday breakfast, in a great location in La Jolla…

The only complain was that is place has lousy

acoustics… Once the place fills up, u need to shout to be heard…

I mean, the walls just amplify sound like you cannot imagine (Like fish market!)

Eat early before the crowd comes…

You have been warned !

Food : 7/10
Service : Average (sulky waitress)
Ambiance : Poor (loud sounds and high ceiling gave a non-cosy, warehouse feel to the place)
Price : Moderate

Next stop… DEL MAR !


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