There aren’t many good places for bagels in KL. Fortunately, we know one of them.
A bagel is a round bread, with a hole in the middle, made of gluten flour, salt, water, yeast and malt. Its dough is boiled, then baked, and the result should be a rich caramel color – it should not be pale nor blond. It should always possess a yeasty, chewy inner texture. A bagel should make a delightful cracking sound when you bite into it, it should be eaten warm and, it should not be eaten after it’s four hours old.
All else is not a bagel.
But the single characteristic of the bagel that has always been honored, no matter what other attributes go by the board, is its shape. A bagel is ring-shaped.. round with a hole in the center.
And bigger, is NOT better.
The size, I think, affects the proportion of crust to interior. The thickness of big ones makes them like rubber tires! Don’t ever keep a bagel overnight. Not overnight – not even past four hours. If you don’t eat it in four hours, it will become a stone.
Oooh, I do look forward to my chewy bagel fix, from time to time.
Go crazy with the fillings.. as long as you have a well constructed bagel, the sky’s the limit.
Knock yourselves out;)
[Olympus logo]
Add: Bagel ‘n’ Coffee Station
Lot P-7B, Plaza Floor
Hartamas Shopping Centre
No 60, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1
50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-62011073
Real food porn. I want!!!
Sista, u got it all wrong. That is a picture of a Ba-con-gel! 🙂
oO yeah baybeh.. it’s my porn and i’ll bacon bagel if i wanna 😛
I just watched TLC channel , Poh’s kitchen making bagels…and now you’re talking bout bagels.. I can’t wait to sink my teeth in it!!! I feel like making my own bagels…hmm..;/
ahhhh. im getting hungry too!!
omgeee!! looks so yum!! i wanna try one too!! XD
Have you tried them bagels? damn addicitive!!
Bagels! Love them much. I want them now with cheese and bacon. Dang 320am…where to find bagels with cheese and bacon at this hour lah? 🙁
It’s not good to eat so late darling!! LOL
I just had bagel for breakfast a few days ago.. Well you’re right it gets hard after a while but that’s why there’s a toaster! hehe
Gross I wouldn’t ever eat a stale bagel! LOL