Mum & Dad! The judge is sitting on the left of my father (obviously!)

You would not see him against the white background if not for the spots. Well spotted (ahem) Paranoid Android.
I took this shot when I was in New Delhi, oh yes i did! One of the greatest love stories ever told!
Without Mumtaz there would be no structure as awe inspiring as the Taj Mahal.
There! You have your WINNERS!
cis..didnt win..hahaha…
stabbing self….NO NO NO, my life is OVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! i didnt win! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Cis… dun even remember if I joined… hahhaha….
LOLZ you sld hv announced that it wuz gonna be a competition, then i wld have been more creative! 😛
I wanna thank my marder and your marder, my farder and your farder….Oooooh, I'm so H.A.P.P.Y, I could wax lyrical all night long!! THANK YOU, AUNTY!!!!!!!!!
Awwww Mum and Dad look so lovey dovey! And your Mum, so young! (Aunty you sure you don't want to change your mind about the winners??) :-))))
Sob… Sob… This is the first time I actually won anything in my life….(Blush)! I want to Thank My Parents… My friends… And the Academy sorry… The Aunty…… And the Uncle…. And The Cumi, and The Ciki….
Congrats to the Winners – may u enjoy your brollies, LOL!
Ehh…how come got no consolation prize meh? Everyone who took part shd be given a "token of appreciation" also mah!
joe & anton:
you were both brilliant but the gals were better la.. wot to do..! Thrz alwyz next time!
TNG & Paps:
these ppl are a HOOT rite?
Aunty sez… "no chance!"
you didn't .. but u left a message on that post. weird huh?!
sori la.. u were upstaged by TWO chicks:P
LL and Paranoid android:
name a time and place – lunch is good.. tues/wed/thurs/..
dina oso can. i need to pass you the umbrellas – me and mum went SHOPPING the whole evening today, ok, so u better be free to come receive your pressies! and they are gorgeous Parisian looking Pink Parasols btw.. Think moulin rouge!!!
FBB- you are designated photographer since u take such ridiculously good shots of ppl.
So you two.. WRITE ME! faster.
[email protected]
Eh, what's the contest? Your mum certainly looks young. Thanks for sharing.
Thank u ALL for participating! Those who missed it, aw, nevermind.. there will be next time ! Bon Munch!
XOXO, ciki
I thought the Judge did a good job – she got the correct winners!!
Looking 4ward to your next contest – I will definitely try harder! Look out for the CHAMPION!!!!
bwai bwai Ella eh..
FBB : Come let's get together to drown our sorrows *hic* Hehehe..
Congrats to the winners!;)
i'm devastated beyond words. 🙁
*joining unka n fbb for a drowning session* dont pull me back, dont!!!
oh common guys. it's not that bad. isn't it great to know that ..
the best man for a job
is always a WOMAN!
CHIS, i knew there were sexist elements in choosing the winner. ARGHHHHHHHH.
come hairy berry, and unka, lets drown our sorrows.