
Please email ccfoodtravel [at] gmail [dot] com,

or use our Contact Form , and we will send you our media kit.


Social Media Influence:

Blog CCFoodTravel : 500,000 i.e. Half a Million pageviews per month

Read close to 200 countries worldwide as well as being top in Malaysia, USA, Canada, UK and Australia.


42K Twitter followers

17.4K Facebook fans

18.0K IG followers

3.0K G+ followers


We are the only ones who do what we do We have the Blogger in the Spotlight, Chef in the Spotlight and Travel Tips section that no other Malaysian Food & Travel blog is doing at the moment. This adds current relevance and provides an up to date source of information to our readers. We try to keep it fun, informative and as cutting edge as possible.

We have clout We are among the top 20% of international travel bloggers that there are, out there. We represent Visit Britain (Tourism UK’s blog) as one of their panel writers. We rank on Google’s Top 100 Independent Travel Sites and on Top 100 International Travel Blogs. We have also been featured on the Lonely Planet via our posts on Shanghai and New Orleans. We are currently writers for Yahoo! Malaysia‘s Lifestyle section. We are freelance travel writers for the Malay Mail’s Crave section – check out our post on Travel to Yangon, Myanmar

We were amongst the World’s Top 10 Bloggers selected by Problogger to Dive the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. We have also been selected to guestpost on reputable websites such as the Problogger – check out our post on Six Top Tips for Blogging Success.

We have worked together with International Tourism Boards on travel trips and are experienced in providing extensive and in depth coverage of the countries concerned. We are part of the iambassador core team of bloggers that includes some of the best known travel bloggers in the world and award-winning television and video producers, who are involved in travel projects all around the world.

We are an enthusiastic couple who will find a way to work with you – just drop us a line to engage our services today.


To work with us, email ccfoodtravel [at] gmail [dot] com

or use our Contact Form


For some delicious food porn and adventure travels, read CCFoodTravel. In our spare time we also write for our fitness and health blog, Cikipedia. If you do visit Malaysia or Borneo, check out the Malaysian adventure site, WHOA Adventures. Follow us on Twitter.