I didn’t manage to catch the lady’s t-shirt (the lady with the plan.. the lady with the chee-cheong-fun..), but believe me when I say she loves her BLING. She’s such a classy little lady and her ‘chai’ chee cheong fun is delicious too.
That’s right, the place is situated in Sea Park, just next to the old DUMC (Methodist Church, which was the old Ruby Theater before that), and has the most affordable, but tasty chee cheong fun rolls. We love the lady because she is always smiling and polite – same goes for her husband. Heck, the whole family is friendly!
The deep fried popiah here looks like elongated flying saucers.

A cross section of the chai chee cheong fun. I just love the salty/sweet flavour of the ‘choi poh’ mixed in with a generous amount of garlic and chives. You can have it with the traditional chinese sweet sauce/chili sauce, or dunk it in the curry sauce. Either way, it tastes great.
They also serve bubur-cha-cha here. The santan is a little thin, but the taste is not bad – I like the sweet potato because it is soft but still maintained its gorgeous, tuberous aroma.
Somewhere in Sea Park,
Next to the old Ruby Theater (no longer),
Up the road from the Flying Wantan Mee.
Somewhere in Sea Park,
Next to the old Ruby Theater (no longer),
Up the road from the Flying Wantan Mee.
One of us used to stay around this area when Ruby was d place to go with the girlfriend(s).And the Centrepoint Pub SS2 was D Pub, with petai prawns and cockles galore !
Then the world turned and things changed , before there was C&C , & bsg.
Now here she is but how come ? so late . But never mind next time we crawl out from Centrepoint in da morning then come straight here at 7am. See ya !
you paktor at ruby ar.. I can guess how old one of u is! hehe 😛
The Chai CCF looks ah-mazing!! Chilli sauce for me thanks!! I have utmost respect for food vendors who insist on looking good, despite the heat & toil that their craft demands. None of that baggy tshirt, shorts & waterproof apron, they are after all, gourmet superstars!
Hmmm… my close friend whose gf stays in Seapark always tell me that there are a lot of nice stuff to eat around this area… must pull him out next time… lol!!!
Ai yor… there goes my diet plan. I just simply adore Chee Cheong Fan! And the auntie's perfectly coiffured bouffant hair with highlights! Must go there to sniff what sort of perfume she uses!
Any idea about the opening and closing times?
yes ar.. the you will luv dis lady. Yar curry sauce is good, but i liked mine just with the team cheong and lat chiew cheong!
yar, cheap and good;)
CCF is so light, wotju talking bout.. 😛
This place opens when the Sun is at its Zenith;)
Another wonderful writeup, but I have grown to expect that from C and C!
I will be off for some Lebanese (MEATS again!) tonight, wish I was having CCF instead … Droooool!
Unka, are u reading this???
I want bu burchacha ..chachaa..chaachaa..!
I love my hood. So many droolsome food to makan. suddenly have the urge to revisit all of em and just do a series of post on them.
Care to join?
OMGawd, the chee cheong fun looks really yummy …..and with tong sui to boot! Seapark here I come! ^_^
Never seen ccf like this before like Hong Kong ccf, but also like popiah!
can go flying wanton mee then end with tong sui and ccf..perfect!
lesbian meat? wots dat? 😛
one,two, chachacha!
munkeys in da hood! (so funny lar u..)
go go go.
true. Its kindly like a really tasty hybrid:)
ur stomach is huge man
Can you please give me directions to the aunty chee cheong fun in seapark? Isit in the row of shops opposite KFC? Also what time the shop opens? Morning, lunch or night?
hi wong, thanks for your email. you are almost right except that it is further down from KFC, after the old ruby theater along the row of cars parked on the road. It looks like a shack. Thx