Jaya Palace @ Wisma LYL, PJ – Wedding

Congratulations to my buddies… Flo & Sean…

The food, was near flawless. The best thing about Chinese weddings held in a Chinese restaurant, is by far… the PIG. Halal hotels are gorgeous and full of ambiance and all, but the food is at best, a far second to the real Chinese deal ;D

The suckling pig was a case of ‘ Now you see it, now you don’t ..!’ I wanted the head, but something told me that polishing off the pig’s face with my bare hands, would not look appropriate in my evening dress…

( Hmmmm… next time, lil pig.. i still have a bone to pick with you.. ;P)

The dish I liked second and third best were the glutinous rice (no photo, just satiated stomachs.. burp) and the butter prawns. Both were excellent. The Chocolates for the guests were a nice touch to end the evening on a sweet note…
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The girls.. the girls.. who will be next I wonder… ? (If you are real nice to me, I may give you her number.. oo-er.. lol)


If I could.. (1927 ish)

If I could paint
I’d paint a portrait of you

The sunlight in your eyes
A masterpiece of truth
And a single tear
Like a silent prayer
That’s shining so much brighter
Than a diamond ever dared
If I could do anything at all
I’d do it for you

If I could write
I’d write a book for you
A tale of hidden treasures
With an I.O.U
And a million words
Couldn’t say a thing
That won’t be said in three words
Where love’s the central theme
If I could do anything at all,
I’d do it for you

Darling can’t you see
What you mean to me
Anything that I can do
I’ll do it for you
And darling don’t you know
Just how far I’d go
Anything that I can do,
I’d do it for you

(One of my all time sappy fav songs from Ish… dedicated to my dearest friend! Here’s to happily ever after… I always cry at the part where prince charming sweeps the princess off into the golden sunset… sniff..:))

Jaya Palace,
Wisma LYL,
12 Jln 51A/223,
Petaling Jaya,
03-7968 2000

MSG levels:moderate
Salt levels:moderate


  • J2Kfm says:

    eh Beryl’s?!!
    nice chocs, visited their factory, and had a feast sampling everything, UNattended. =P

    esp the DURIAN choc, Tiramisu, and Chilli Choc.

  • Julian Si says:

    Hmm, I’ll be nice 🙂 Can I have their numbers!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    Durian chocs..? Faint.. Might as well hv petai chocs! lol..

    Maybe.. :p

  • kennhyn says:

    Can I have their number….haha

    I treat you beer….(that’s not a good idea huh…haha)

  • backStreetGluttons says:

    gosh , all your lovely friends have been caught off guard and now the virgin numbers are dwindling. We better hurry up.

    (btw we are real nice one)

  • 550ml jar of faith says:

    Hey, have you always been tracking MSG levels or did you just start? How did I miss that in your previous posts!? The dimsum at this place apparently rocks too?? Merry Xmas btw! 🙂

  • Nic (KHKL) says:

    awwwwwwwwww, so sweet lar!

    1 plate of hokkien mee in exchange for 1 phone number? 😉

  • Big Boys Oven says:

    Ho ho ho Ho ho ho Ho ho!!!!

    We wishes a joyly good christmas today with plenty of roast turkey and plenty of whisky and a great start this New Year… form Sunny & Sidney xxx

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    Just beer? Im sure u cn do btr thn that! Hahaha

    U r rite! Seems like everyone is getting hitched these days.. Hor?

    Yea, we heard dimsum is good here too!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    Wah, ONE plate of hokkien mee ah.. that doesnt even count as a bribe.. Try harder :p kehkeh

    A blessed christmas to u & ur family too!

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