Coliseum Cafe & Hotel @ Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, KL


My Grandfather ate here, my father, and now me….

Established in 1921 Coliseum Cafe and Hotel stands proud and majestic. You can just feel that in its heyday, this was the place where people would get dressed up, to go out to, for a nice evening meal (back in a time where people actually made and effort to get dressed up for dinner). Think starched shirt colonial types and you wouldn’t be far off the mark.

Shrouded in the musty smell of old furniture, and staffed unusually by grizzly old pros in white jackets, this famed establishment is the last bastion of our City’s Golden age. Unpretentious and old fashioned, the sharp-tongued waiters know when to take an order and when to disappear.

Coliseum’s cocktails are in a class of their own. No frills and extremely cheap, they still pack a potent punch. A bartender cascades an arch of liquid gold into my glass. It’s a gunner, he says. It suits me just fine.

The menu promises steaks, chops and old school sandwiches. The menu is ala-carte, so do not forget the side dishes such as cauliflower and mash or chips.

Any lackluster item on the menu is guaranteed to improve substantially by introducing one or two more cocktails ..:P


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Bread & Butter – RM2.20



Sizzling Fillet Steak – RM37.90



Chicken Maryland – RM17.90


Gunner – RM6.90


The meal for two – RM79.80

The experience – priceless


Coliseum Cafe & Hotel,

98-100 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman,

50100 Kuala Lumpur,







  • Precious Pea says:

    I still remember when I was a little girl, my mum and dad used to bring me here after shopping at Mun Loong. It was a big treat back then and I always enjoyed their Maryland. 🙂

  • Tummythoz says:

    Been hearing some horror stories about the service, food and cleanliness so not been in though I pass by quite often. Your post may have just change my mind. Oh, good choice of font on pix!

  • PureGlutton says:

    Wahh… i like the b&w pics – so 60's and so nostalgic! I like Coliseum too for their hainanese-style western food – pretty authentic!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    Yea, i am addicted to the maryland too. Breast meat and crumbs are suppose to be so dry together without sauce, yet they still do it just right here! not too dry at all!

    it seems all cleaned up! really not so bad these days…

    u a fan too huh;)

  • 550ml jar of faith says:

    Nostalgia, real chicken soup for the soul eh? I just love the look of the post, from the look on Captain Ho’s face to the whole tomato that came with the steak to the old-skool clay tableware!

  • fbb says:

    hmmm, i was gonna echo tummythoz’s sentiments, as the last time i went, it was horrendous, but before that, i’ve always had fond memories….

  • myCoffee says:

    Been wanting to try this place for ages. Gawd, the captain looks like my granddad – god bless his soul.

  • worldwindows says:

    I think its time for me to pay homage to this KL icon. Heard so much about it but never been there. It could be that I am not KL-born. Nice sephia touch on pics.

  • jasmine says:

    ooh, loved your use of sepia tone photos… so nolstagic. i love going here for the experience… food’s so so only ler.

  • boo_licious says:

    I loved their roast pork with apple sauce and the brussel sprouts back in those days when they used to serve pork. Love the way you presented the pixs – really suit the atmosphere of the place.

  • J2Kfm says:

    so classic! 1st glance i tot u were blogging bout the Pudu chinese restaurant … whatever the name is. dinosaur-age, for all i know.

  • "Joe" who is constantly craving says:

    wah back then no colour pics hor..looks like dug right out from your grandpa photo collection!..

    i wonder back then got food photography 1 ar?

  • Mellie says:

    I remember having a meal there just a few years ago, I’m not sure whether its the company or lack of alcohol that makes the steak less desirable. 🙁
    Oh, but i shall go there for yr recommended cheep cheep cocktail below RM20, weee!!

  • backstreetgluttons says:

    So now that you have partaken of the elizir of youth , don't you just feel like 17 & 1/2 ?

    But we wan you in full color ok , no cheating

  • Life for Beginners says:

    Nothing like a place called Nostalgia. It’s good to have a place where everyone knows your name… and your father’s… and your grandfather’s… 😉

  • Julian Si says:

    Great retro feel to your pix!! I miss KL …

    Mmmh, chicken chop and tomato soup here rocks!

  • kennhyn says:

    nice treatment….I never been to this place, heard alot and see a lot of time in tv, but never makan there b4…haha

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    I love the place!

    oh no:( that’s too bad.. maybe they aren’t consistent in their food anymore which is a shame.. mine was ok.

    i know..! just makes you wanna go hug him! hehe

    aw gee thx!

  • CUMI & CIKI says:


    so sweet, thx! i love the chicken maryland. not too dry at all:)


    back then… probably not

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    lol.. cheap way to get drunk

    sometimes color sometimes sepia la.. can? ;P

    and your grandma, and ma, and grand uncle, and etc etc…

    lol, i know what you mean

    check it out la

  • Nic (KHKL) says:

    this was the place to be, even before The Ship 'sailed' in. the sizzling steak was a fave! 😉

    actually, there's so much food in this area! used to get school uniform from globe's or mun loong and books from minerva. followed by waffles at a&w! 😉

    very nice presentation lar, ciki! 😉

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    thank you lar, nic;P

  • babe_kl says:

    gosh i hvnt gone there for a year or so :p time for a visit. pssst i had the privilege to visit their kitchen once. i tell u, they’re in pristine condition and they’re using a wood fire oven!!!

  • vialentino says:

    luckily i am going lunch soon…else will suffer from morning till now…hehehe

  • sc says:

    ate here quite frequently before i moved i’ll pop by once in every 1-2 months. oh, and the ‘smell’ that clings on to one’s clothings after leaving coliseum, priceless too :p

  • mimid3vils says:

    Been there once, only remember the old folks waiters 😛

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    wow.. i haven’t seen their kitchen even!


    i know what you mean!

    old as the restaurant!

  • Mother says:

    Hi darling – why you chop off moi head?? Still looking good at mid 60s you know!

    Ha ha – joke only!

  • mel^^mel says:

    let’s see… when was my last time here? 4 or 5 years ago… good memories, and thankd for sharing…

  • CUMI & CIKI says:

    hi mum! looks cool wat.. hehe

    really time to swing by again maybe!

  • jason says:

    Good thing that this place is still going strong!

  • Big Boys Oven says:

    so rustic so full of history, just love it!

  • Simon Seow says:

    It’s been a while now I had not come here. I still remember the first dish I ate here is Lamb Kidney, yah, my English is not that good when I was a kid.

  • gabybali says:

    Cikiiii!!..Did you get to meet that chinese-speaking indian waiter? And why did you give 6/10 for the drinks & service,please ? not so good ha?

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